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Twitter Must Turn Over User’s Information: Lemon Juice v. Twitter Inc., 502898/14

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Last month, a New York court (Lemon Juice v. Twitter) ordered Twitter to disclose the basic subscriber information for the following Twitter handle:


This civil case was brought by a man who goes by the name Lemon Juice. He wanted to know the identity of the person who used that Twitter handle in order to sue him or her for infliction of emotion distress. Apparently, the owner of that handle tweeted a picture of a 12-year old rape victim who was testifying in court. This was in direct violation of the judge’s order not to photograph the girl. Initially, everyone, to include the police, thought that Lemon Juice sent the tweet. Lemon Juice was even arrested and detained. The police eventually determined that Lemon Juice did not send the tweet so the charges against him were dropped.

However, Lemon Juice has now brought this civil action and requested that the court order Twitter to reveal the subscriber information for LemonJuice@moseh718.  In siding with Lemon Juice, the court determined that

“…the behavior of the creator of the subject Twitter account was so extreme and outrageous that it went beyond all possible bounds of decency…In naming the account ‘LemonJuice@moseh718,’ the creator gave the public the false impression that Lemon Juice was the owner and operator of the account. The creator then obtained a digital image of the infant victim while she was testifying against her rapist in direct violation of a court order.

As you might expect, there is a big back story to this case.  To read more about that story go here.

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